If you just got engaged, we’re sure you’re over the moon with excitement and happiness. You’ll only be engaged once and not for very long so it’s important to make the most of it. But it’s also important to make sure you take good care of your brand new sparkler. You want to make sure it lasts a lifetime and although diamonds are the world’s most durable natural materials, they still require special care to preserve their natural beauty, colour and brilliance. Weir & Sons have some important advice for caring for your engagement ring.

Merrion, €2,320

It is important to purchase engagement ring insurance. Insurance is necessary to protect your financial investment in the event that your engagement ring gets lost, stolen or damaged. No matter how many precautions you take, there is always a chance that your ring can be lost or worse yet, stolen. Although this won't compensate for the sentimental loss, it will at least cover your financial loss.

Adelaide, €7,335

To keep your diamond ring sparkling, it should be cleaned often to remove lotions, oil, and everyday dirt, which could diminish its sparkle. Your ring can be soaked in warm water and a mild dishwashing liquid, and scrubbed with a soft toothbrush. You can also use vodka to clean the ring! Soak it in a glass of vodka, rinse under a warm tap and rub it dry with a lint free cloth to give it back its shine. You should also always pick it up by the band and not the diamond, to avoid your natural oils building up around the stone and loosening it.

Ormond, €1,425


You probably plan to wear your gorgeous new sparkler 24/7 but there are some occasions when you should remove it. If you’re doing heavy work with your hands or playing sports, or if you’re using harsh chemicals, such as bleach or hair dye, you should take your ring off, as they can dull the finish or even harm more porous gemstones, such as emeralds. Even diamonds aren’t immune from damage. Just because they’re one of the hardest materials in the world, it doesn’t mean they can’t chip, so be careful not to knock yours against anything else, especially other diamonds.

You should take special care if your engagement ring has a gemstone other than a diamond, as they are not as durable and therefore more susceptible to chips and scratches, especially from other diamonds. Because of this, it’s important to store your ring in a soft fabric or leather pouch or the original jewellery box it came in.

Grafton, €4,140

Professional care and regular maintenance is also advisable, as diamond settings can loosen over time. It’s advisable to visit your jeweller twice a year to check the integrity of your setting and ensure there are no hairline cracks in the shank. A loose setting can lead to a dislodged diamond, so maintenance is always better than replacements.

- Emilie Finney of Weir & Sons

Customers who purchase a ring from Weirs & Sons can avail of an annual clean and polish for their ring free of charge.

Images courtesy of Weir & Sons